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The Moment Therhappy Was Born

Dr. Vanshika Gupta-Adukia

Somewhere during my journey of studying to be a Physiotherapist, I realised rather early on that becoming a doctor isn’t what’s going to keep me “happily settled” with my career. I needed to do something more... Something that could make me connect with myself, something that I could identify with more, something that I would truly enjoy, and most importantly something where I could help people in a manner that it would probably help create the happiest moments and memories of their lives.

At a time when I didn’t know how to go about this and I was still studying and feeling rather confused, I found my forte in the field of Pregnancy and Childbirth.With baby steps and small targets that I set for myself to achieve, very soon I knew what I was looking for!

What better than to be a Physiotherapist and help people through the most beautiful phase of their lives! A journey that is most loved and cherished not just by an individual but by several people around them. A journey that changes a lot of lives. A journey to help create a “new life”. As a Physiotherapist I feel immensely satisfied while treating my patients and helping them through their journey of rehabilitation and recovery.

However as an antenatal-postnatal specialist and a childbirth educator, it gives me great joy and pride to help several “mommy to be” during their pregnancy and see them bring their little ones into this world. Very often their transition with a baby has also seen me grow along with them, step by step helping them overcome minor roadblocks. After all babies come with their own paraphernalia and sometimes a little help is just what the new mums need!!!! This is that sense of happily settled that I had been so longing for! And that is how Therhappy was born, where it’s all about creating happy moments, happy memories, to being a happy individual who enjoy’s their form of therapy.

Therhappy- All about you.

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